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Fire Safety

I am very glad that, due to public demand, it is necessary to reprint the Code of Practice for the Management of Fire Safety in Places of Assembly, which was first published in 1989. There are no significant changes in this edition but some references to standards have been updated.

People who frequent places of assembly are entitled to expect that reasonable precautions are taken for their safety. That's why the Fire Services Act, 1981 places specific statutory responsibilities on those who control places of assembly. This Code of Practice sets out clear, easy to follow guidelines on how to take these reasonable precautions. People, therefore, who are responsible for the day to day management of places of assembly should carefully study the provisions of the Code. They should carry out a comprehensive review of their own practices in the light of the requirements and take action to remedy any deficiencies.

The Code is based largely on a draft prepared by the Fire Services Council and I take the opportunity to acknowledge the efforts they made in developing it.

My Department intends to develop further codes relating to other areas of fire safety in places of assembly and 1 hope to publish them as soon as possible.

I am sure that this Code will continue to assist in improving fire safety standards and to make a significant contribution to protecting property and, more importantly, minimising the risk to life from fire.

Rory O’Hanlon, T.D.,

Minister for the Environment.

Covid Guidelines for Hospitality 

As most of the Covid-19 public health measures and guidelines have been removed, we are open for business as usual. 

For more information on present Covid guidelines, please click HERE.

We are following guidelines from the following; Irish Health Service Executive, Irish Hotels Federation, and The Department of Health.

Our goal is to maintain the health of all our guests in the hotel and those that are due to arrive, our suppliers and all our employees.

The following Four steps are taken;

1. Advice for Our Guests.

  • Ensure you wash your hands before and after eating, and after coughing or sneezing.
  • If you are displaying symptoms of the Corona Virus, please contact your local GP before arrival to the hotel to prevent the virus from spreading. The symptoms are noted in the document below.

2. Areas of the Hotel - Policies & Procedures


  • All our rooms are serviced daily with approved antibacterial products, during guests stay at the hotel and prior to guests arrival at the hotel.


  • Restaurant staff have a hand washing procedure in place.
  • All tables are being washed with antibacterial products after departure of each guest.


  • Kitchen staff have a hand washing procedure in place.
  • On arrival to the kitchen there is antibacterial hand sanitizer for team members.

3. Advice for Our Team Members

  • They are to cough and sneeze into their elbow and wash their hands after doing so.
  • Our Staff are advised not to initiate contact with guests e.g. handshake or hug guests on arrival and departure.

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